Thursday, 25 August 2011

more - less

 [above + below are wild raspberries. Sweet white flowers. The red below is, I think, perhaps either the male or female fruit; you don't eat that one.]

The more I'm away from here, the less I come back. It's hard to come back when I can't be here regularly. I keep wondering if I should just go on a blog holiday for the next six months or something. But I would miss it here too much, and miss you. Thank you all for keeping on visiting - it's good to know you're still there.

I haven't been doing much stitching lately, and no screen printing at all. But I've been doing a little bit of drawing and watercolour painting, which has been making me really happy. Setting myself up with little vases of flowers and the watercolour pencils. Kids being at school, giving me quiet and creative time is really helping, too - even though they are rare and brief moments.

I'm currently organising a market stall at the local art gallery for Christmas time. This means that Sam + I have to do some more designing and making. Which is good. Giving us a deadline for getting back into doing some work. I'm exciting to be organising the market - such a beautiful location, an excellent gallery. [this image was taken from the gallery, on a rainy afternoon this week].

It's been raining this past week. Our creek went from bone dry to overflowing almost flooding in one night. It's eased off and since gone down a bit. Overcast days. My seedlings in the garden + my soul are needing a little bit of sunshine to warm us up. Fresh roses on my table, from the local farmers market, are doing a splendid job of helping my soul warm, combined with the fresh bread our neighbour brought us yesterday.

I wonder if I am changing / have changed. I wonder if I can recognise it. Feel it in my self, in my days. If life living here has changed me. Can you notice a difference?

with ever love, E xx

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