Monday, 5 September 2011

from garden to table

The children collected from our garden :: lettuces, teeny tiny baby carrots (too early for picking, but sweet and oh so cute) and herbs.
They set themselves up at the kitchen table and made us a delicious salad using our very own garden collections and other veges from the local area [the farmers market and our local farm shop].
We ate it with fresh sourdough bread made by our neighbour [while we have no oven, she is baking us a weekly loaf of bread. yumbo].
Enjoyed with soft boiled eggs [free range and locally laid. Soon we will have our own chickens and eggs, but for now we are enjoying local ones].

So good to sit down at our table and enjoy a meal either grown by us or the local soil around us, and made locally.

1 comment:

  1. You are making me wish I lived over there... :)


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