Tuesday, 6 September 2011

how much effort to wash a spoon?

I love this! I want to put it on a tea towel.
Found on Judy's blog Lithospherial. From here (pity it's now sold out). Check out his blog Maxistentialism - which is wonderful, witty, wordy, intelligent and fun.


  1. And then you could be like me who buys plastic things because they're 'easier' and then can't bear to throw them out and washes them all by hand so I can use them again, instead of being able to put them in the dishwasher like I could have if they were real. I'm pinning this though, it's brilliant.

  2. this is a good one ~ thanks for sharing :)

  3. Brilliant. Spoon for thought indeedy!

  4. Wow! I love it too.

  5. haha! good food for thoughts!! ;)xx S

  6. and it's about so much more than a spoon . . .

  7. Wow, what a great reminder to not be so selfish!


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